*You sit in a darkened booth of a tavern. Suddenly, a hooded man slides into the booth across from you. A quick transaction of credits takes place before he slides out and disappears as quickly as he arrived. You glance out into the bar suspicious of any eavesdroppers before looking back down at the holodisk you now hold in your hand. You set the disk down and activate it. The holo image clears to show a man sitting in the comm center of what appears to be an early YT-series freighter. His surroundings are well kept and organized. An attractive woman enters the comm room and hands the gentleman a mug... he nods his thanks and sips; redirecting his look to you. He begins.... *"Greetings and thank you for your interest in the Smugglers Guild. Let me first begin by saying that we make no claim to being the best, the most elite, or powerful. Our goals are simple, we provide a service, we do the job, we get paid, and we go our separate ways. We supply the black market. We specialize in discreetly obtaining weapons and equipment governments don't want us to have, transporting and then selling them to select clientele. Those who wish to make some decent, and undocumented, income on the side by supplying the black market, can contact the me. You can be assured that you will be well taken care of and looked after and worth your time and risk."*Leans forward in his chair...* Now, for those who wish to join the Guild, be warned that you are required to operate a vessel suitable for smuggling, there is no regular pay- rather, you get paid by the job. We take care of own and various compensations are granted. The Guild strongly encourages self-reliance, independence, creativity and personal initiative in their members. For all intents and purposes, you are a Mercenary with Smugglers Guild ties. You will be expected to be able to take care of yourself, which will include keeping your affiliation with the Guild a secret - lest you find yourself in a set of 'cuffs. If you need constant direction... or input regarding your next move.... you may want to start at another outfit. My old friend said it best: 'Try the Empire, they always need drones.' "If you're still interested in joining, then also understand this: Our organization runs on secrecy, planning, and above all, respect. We maintain a laid back yet professional atmosphere. We want everyone to enjoy their membership, improve their lives and grow within the Guild. Keep that in mind. Disturbing this harmony is met with a simple solution. Depending on your infraction, we may simply deposit you somewhere sans ship.... or sans life.... depends.... *The Corellian shrugs his shoulders. He then leans back in his chair...* If you can play by our rules, then there is an opportunity to be a member of this group. Just understand, our rules only exist to protect us all. From the supplier to the buyer- our entire business. *Sips at mug* Interested? Get over to Nar Shadda, Corellian Quarter. The Rimmer's Rest Catina is the place to be... Tell the bartender Mr. Mazer sent you...."*The man in the holo raises his mug in salute as the image fades. You contemplate your decision to make and check the starport's flight listings.... You may be making a trip to Nar Shaddaa....*