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Amphibian Survival Backpack (Survival)
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The amphibian survival backpack is part of a trifecta of items needed for a non-aquatic species to survive in an aquatic environment. While the aesthetics may differ, there are a number of components that are common to this equipment no matter the manufacturer. The backpack can be divided into two main components – the harness, which serves to attach the backpack to the wearer, and the actual cargo-carrying compartment.

The harness will consist of a lightweight set of straps, typically made of waterproof synthetic material, as well as corrosion-resistant buckles designed to secure the cargo compartment to the wearer’s body. The harness can be tailored to various sentient species, and the buckles are designed both for secure holding and to be able to be released quickly in an emergency. The harness is also where various diving apparatus and components such as dive computers, spare air canisters, artificial gills, and diving knives are attached to the wearer’s body.

The cargo-carrying compartment typically offers enough space for one or two tanks of pressurized air or whatever gases the sentient requires for survival. The volume of the cylinders will vary based on the length of time expected to be spent underwater, as well as the strength of the wearer. These cylinders are attached by a flexible hose to the amphibian survival mask and supply the wearer with a steady mix of gases at pressures similar to the pressure of the liquid around the sentient at the time. Another piece of equipment commonly inserted into the backpack, especially when the temperature of the liquid in which the sentient is diving is expected to vary significantly is a thermal regulation unit, which is equipped either with a heater and pump to pump warm water into the amphibian survival suit in cases where the surrounding liquid is too cold for easy survival, or a cooling unit and pump in the case of the reverse. In any case, the amphibian survival backpack is an essential piece of equipment for any sentient that plans to survive below the surface of the liquid for any period longer than it can hold its breath.

When used together with the amphibian survival mask and amphibian survival suit, the amphibian survival backpack allows sentients of non-amphibious races to disembark onto and move on ocean and river terrain.
Raw Materials
  • Varium: 1
  • Slots: Back
  • Lockable: No
  • Weight: 2 kg
  • Volume: 0.07 m³
Cargo Capacity
  • Weight Cap: 10 kg
  • Volume Cap: 0.8 m³
  • Batch: 11
  • Per Unit Value: 118 CR
  • Batch Value: 1,300 CR
  • Generic DC: 0.5 Slots
  • Recommended Workers: 6
  • Recycling XP: 1 XP
  • Production Mod: 275