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Endless Prosperity in the Endor Pact
Posted by: Siejo Kutol, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Date: Year 26 Day 71

After the brief journey from the Hassaria System to the Dallenor System, Siejo Kutol made an official diplomatic visit this week to meet with Kez Aak, leader and founder of Endless Endeavors. Upon starting his second term as the Security General o...

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Rebel Alliance Sanctions Backstabbing and Looting of SoroSuub
Hacked by: Avelyn ca Vella, Cantrell Conglomerate
Date: Year 26 Day 59

Ord Cantrell, Fath – Today's tale brings to light a saga many have whispered about - a story of treachery, deceit, and devastating betrayal among so-called allies.

SoroSuub Corporation,...

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Causing Havoc…
Posted by: Shas`o Cho, Havoc Squad
Date: Year 26 Day 41


Breaking news - the Truth about what actually happened in Kowak…


Havoc Operations Year ...

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Gratuar Rau Wren Captured, Kaden Wren Missing, Elara Finnall Stranded!
Posted by: Joe Wales, Mandalore
Date: Year 26 Day 41

The Mandalorian operation to apprehend the fugitives accused of theft and betrayal has reached a pivotal conclusion. Gratuar Rau Wren, the enforcer of the group, has been captured. Kaden Wren, the schemer behind the betrayal, remains at large. Mea...

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Pirates at Peril: Desperate Assaults for Renown
Hacked by: Darcks Galvan, Rebel Alliance
Date: Year 26 Day 38


Kowak System, Day 35, Year 26 – A group of pirates launched a reckless and ill-prepared raid on the Kowak System, targeting its entry points in ...

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`Tis the Season...
Hacked by: Andre Lauche, Mecrosa
Date: Year 26 Day 30

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Ternion Corporation Celebrates Life Day with Grand Prix!
Posted by: Siou Wolfsbane, Ternion Corps
Date: Year 26 Day 27

The Ternion Corps logo fades and is replaced with the visage of a female Zabrak, seen on your screens not too long ago; Siou Wolfsbane, Lead Clone Advocate.

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Glom Tho Gala Concludes
Posted by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 26 Day 9


The Glom Tho Gala, hosted by Crimson Dawn, was reportedly a great success on a number of fronts, from guest turnout and engagement to vendor success and raffles and fun events. The Gala drew crowds from diverse ...

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The Outliers Sovereignty
Hacked by: Arroh Covah, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 26 Day 6

Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.

In an extraordinary development that reshapes the balance of power within the galaxy's criminal underworld, the Zann Consortium, under the leader...

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