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Player Administration

A reminder about IC/OOC Separation
(Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 245)
Mitth Wake has been issued a Strike 0 for IC/OOC separation. This strike will last one year from today's date or until another stri...

The asim that doesn't exist claims another victim!
(Posted by Chupacabra on Year 25 Day 235)
Year 25 Day 235, 12:34 Chupacabra banned player Malcolm Marrz Blaine providing the following reason: Sharing OOC info. This is not...

They would call me Nandor the relentless because I just never relent.
(Posted by Noctis on Year 25 Day 221)
Year 25 Day 221, 21:59 Noctis banned player Dietrich Rakshesh providing the following reason: Harassment Player was given an immed...

Community News

Ground Showdowns?
(Posted by Vadik Edik on Year 25 Day 205)
Hello everyone. I was talking to a little bird, and he reminded me how much you all enjoy CPs, so I figured I would see how true t...

Permadeath Survey
(Posted by Platypus on Year 25 Day 239)
Hello everyone, having come back from a brush with IRL permadeath, I would like to try rewarding the grim reaper by doing something...

HerdFest Teleporter Removed
(Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 186)
FALCON EDIT Y25 D228: This is the final update for this sim news post. Herdfest server has been archived and you may now claim item...

Technical News

Healing Pixels
(Posted by Kolomon Seph on Year 25 Day 281)
Greetings fellow sentients! Today's update is a little different, we have a (nearly) entire category revamped! Medical Items - Al...

Early Timers
(Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 249)
We are aware that some timers have run early and are looking into it. Thanks for your patience.  Update: FI was run at the wrong t...

Sync Report Y25D252
(Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 25 Day 252)
- There is a new filter for time range on the events pages. It defaults to only showing events from the last week. This aims to fix...

Posted by Kolomon Seph on Year 25 Day 281 11:42

Greetings fellow sentients!

Today's update is a little different, we have a (nearly) entire category revamped!

Medical Items - All new rules images for all medical items except the Cloning Vat and Frosty Patch (both are more recent additions). The Bacta Tank comes complete with a "cockpit" image, seen when submerged, and new identifiers for the various levels of added bacta.

BR-23 Courier - New rules images

Defender-class Light Corvette - New rules images including a bespoke cockpit image

As always, enjoy!



Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 249 10:42

We are aware that some timers have run early and are looking into it. Thanks for your patience. 

Update: FI was run at the wrong time and the run scheduled for D252 will be skipped because it has run early.


Update: We've manually run taxes since they didn't run with FI, so that should be updated too. 

(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 252)
Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 25 Day 252 1:41

- There is a new filter for time range on the events pages. It defaults to only showing events from the last week. This aims to fix performance issues seen when a user cannot see many events.
- Combat reports now have their own page, previously they were loaded in the background of the events page.

Posted by Vadik Edik on Year 25 Day 205 20:17

Hello everyone.

I was talking to a little bird, and he reminded me how much you all enjoy CPs, so I figured I would see how true that was. I have been working towards getting Ground Showdowns up and running again because, if you haven't noticed, we have a lot of exciting ground combat features that would be really nice for you all to test out. I'm about halfway through my work, and I remember getting tired of having only one map to play on in the past.

This is where you all come in, as I don't want to be the only one making maps.  I need suggestions and some new ideas for new cities for us to all play in. I have made a post to keep everything contained in the Work for CPs area. Head over there to see the rules and what you need to do to join in.


Edit: Y25 D217

Just a friendly reminder, don't forget to submit or vote. 


Edit Y25 D233

We have had a very busy week so far and I don't want to stop the fun, so here's a quick update from me. First off, thank you to everyone who created city designs. They were all very enjoyable to see, but unfortunately, I couldn't accept them all. CPs have been awarded for the 30 cities I did pick, and I'll let the winners brag about their creations. With that being said, Ground Showdowns have been released and can now be enjoyed. Contact your local showdown coordinator to setup a match and continue enjoying all the new things this week.

Falcon Edit: I've posted a Ground Showdown FAQ for how to set up ground showdowns in the FAQ portion of the forums. Enjoy!


EDIT Y25 D245

Hey Folks, I've added 18 new fitouts for showdown use(IDs 68 - 86 in the FAQ pictures). You can check them out in the FAQ (link above) or on their rules page

^^ apparently this added them to the available loadouts for bandits so uhh.... in the meantime, good luck!!

(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 248)
Posted by Platypus on Year 25 Day 239 11:55

Hello everyone, having come back from a brush with IRL permadeath, I would like to try rewarding the grim reaper by doing something with SWC permadeath. The main stumbling block is that we do not appear to have a consensus on whether to go towards the light or run away from it.

Therefore I am launching this survey in order that the SWC community may express its hopes, dreams and wishes as we continue to approach global combat. May the future ever be filled with violence and destruction in this universe, which literally has Wars in its name.

Click here for survey

If you have questions, feel free to hit me up in DMs. Or submit a support ticket.

Edit: The survey will remain open for a week and be closed around D246. Results may be published shortly after that point. 

Edit2: 544 responses so far. There are still three days until I close this. 

The survey has been closed. Stand by for results.

(Edited by Platypus on Year 25 Day 246)


Hello folks, As promised in the Sim News below, as well as my follow up Sim News, Frigate class ships and higher can now be targeted by enemies in combat zones. In addition Hyperspace Protection has been enabled with a 24-hour protection timer. This timer is subject to change with or without advance notice as necessary, but for now, enjoy your protection and ability to shoot everything in a combat zone!

Hello Again.


  • This happens in no less then 30 days (Y25 D239).
  • All ships will be attackable in PvP systems.
  • Combat enabled ships will see no change.
  • Non-Combat enabled ships will not be able to attack or return fire but will take damage.

I'm required by bird law to make this announcement, so please be seated before reading.

There has been a growing need to make all ships combat-enabled in the galaxy, but we still have some outstanding blockers that need to be addressed before we can achieve this. These issues are currently being worked on, while the number of PvP systems continues to increase. There needs to be a middle ground, so we must take action. Therefore, in no less than 30 days, all ships in PvP systems will become attackable.

What does this really mean? Combat-enabled ships will not see significant changes, as this isn't targeted at them. Non-combat enabled ships will become attackable, but with a catch: they will not be able to initiate attacks or return fire when attacked. They will simply be attackable, and this restriction applies only to ships. Once a ship class becomes combat-enabled in the future, this restriction will be removed.

Why am I doing this? This change is being implemented because, for years, we have been able to move through PvP systems safely. Many of us have been bringing non-combat enabled ships into PvP systems to build cities, move logistics, and prepare attacks with little to no risk, effectively countering the entire purpose of having PvP-enabled systems. Non-combat enabled ships are becoming only attackable because, if they could be used in a fight, they would simply be combat enabled. This change is meant to discourage players from taking advantage of the current protections for non-combat ships, while others can do nothing but watch as these ships move around a PvP system.

Please evacuate any non-combat enabled ships you have in a PvP systems.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 239)
Posted by Ondoron Bondoon on Year 25 Day 232 9:34

Guild Contact Daargin has been busy with some updates to the bounty system. As a result, he is now able to issue a replacement puck to any hunter whose puck has been destroyed. Daargin knows if you merely lost it, and will not give you a new one in that case. 


As a result of the update, he can also keep better track of expiry dates. If a contract has passed the deadline without the target being taken out (or rescued) , he will soon be able to mark your contract a failure even if you forget to check up on your puck. Once your objective is completed, there is still no deadline to report back to Daargin.

Expect Daargin to clear out his backlog later this week. 


Finally, starting somewhere next week, failed contracts will be declared null and void a month after failure. The target will disappear in anonimity. Rescue targets will join their captors in a life of banditry (ooc: bounty squads become bandit squads that can be killed and despawn just like regular bandits).

Falcon Edit:
Contracts will be auto-marked as a failure if they meet normal failure criteria beginning sometime on Day 234 (EDIT: D234 -- The property to allow bounties to autofail has been enabled, and should run whenever the daily jobs run tonight at 22:00 CGT)
Contracts will be cleaned up if they are more than a month past failure beginning sometime on Day 241

Ondo Edit D238:
The list of pucks that can be re-issued to you for dissolved networks currently includes the pucks for contracts Daargin has on offer for you. We will look into this ASAP, best not to take these pucks for now ;)

(Edited by Ondoron Bondoon on Year 25 Day 238)
Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 233 11:15

Hello everyone, your resident birb has some updates for you that may or may not make you cranky or rejoice!


Let me preface this by saying that with the release of each new combat zone, we learn a lot of good and new information. Ok so let's see here... the last major update your all got from us was about how we're trying to mitigate potential abuse vectors when it comes to ship combat, which led to the NUMEROUS discussions... pretty much everywhere about how upset everyone was that we were going to allow Frigates and above to be targeted by combat, but while not returning fire since we are still wating for some features to be developed before we're comfortable to allow them to shoot back. We understand why this made many of you upset, but I asked you to trust me that some features were in the works to help mitigate this. Let's discuss the whole picture below:

Frigates+ Taking Damage
As you know, we are enabling frigates to be targeted by combat-enabled ships. The main reason for this was to prevent groups/individuals from using Frigates and above for transporting materials down to a planet, essentially just sailing past a blockade and building cities unhindered. This is especially important to consider since the removal of Arrest/Execute where in the past, the main defense someone had was to execute another character's builders, halting construction of key facilities, or at least delaying them. The first step in this process should ideally be a way to set up a planetary blockade and prevent access to a planet without permission or a fight. Remember, that this change will take effect in just under a week(Y25 D239 is the no earlier than date).

Temporary Armour Values
That being said, we have listened to the feedback and as of this latest sync, all Frigates and above have a DEFAULT AND TEMPORARY armour value set on them (70-90 depending on class) to allow them to take a hit more easily. Let me emphasize yet again that this armour value is TEMPORARY. This number WILL CHANGE when stats are finalized with the stat overhaul that will pave the way for Ship R&D. The rules page will not display this information, but it will show up under the ship details in your inventory.

Hyperspace Entry Point(HEP) Protection

The next main feature we have to help mitigate Frigates+ (and actually, this applies to ALL ship types) is HEP Protection. Each system has 8 HEPs (noted in the above picture) which is where your ship exits the Hyperspace layer back into the System layer. The point you exit onto depends on where you entered the Hyperspace layer(aka if you started at system 0,0 and travelled due east, you would exit on the westmost HEP[white]). 
HEP Protection will be a 24-hour timer that prevents you from being targeted by combat while the timer is active. ANY action performed by a ship with HEP (kicking ships, starting travel, initiating combat, etc.) will immediately remove your HEP Protection. This timer is intended to allow some sort of relief for pilots who, for instance, enter a combat-enabled system but are not present when they exit, and would normally be immediately attacked with no other recourse. 
There is a rules page for this feature, but it will not be visible until the feature is enabled. The current plan is to enable HEP Protection at the same time we enable Frigates+ to be targeted in combat zones.


These are just some of the features to help mitigate Frigates+ being targetable. The end goal is still to make all ships fully combat-enabled, but we still have a few more features that need to take place before that can happen.


One final note I'd like to make is to discuss the development process because this feature seemed to highlight the fact that not everyone knows/understands how that works:

  1. The first step in the development process is for a member of a SWC Team to make a proposal document and post it to our submissions area. Typically this is done by members of our Rules or Dev teams, but this is not always the case (for instance, HEP Protection and Frigate+ targeting was made by an entirely separate member). Proposal documents are not just "hey we should do this" documents. They are well-prepared documents that descibe exactly how a proposed feature will work, being as specific as possible. 
  2. Next, the submission is tagged for the specific teams that need to weigh in or sign off on the feature. 99% of the time, an Asim is involved in this process at a minimum. While Asims rarely do any actual development, we do sign off on features and/or provide restrictions (such as requiring a 30-day notice for feature release). (The exception to Step 2 is small QoL features or minor features that minimally impact gameplay. These are not common). During step 2, a full discussion is heald amongst all relevant teams to fully flesh out the proposal.
  3. Once a consensus is reached on how the feature should be implemented, then a developer is assigned to actually code/implement the feature as described. Sometimes this step takes us a bit further into discussion on clarifying portions of the feature, etc. 
  4. Once a feature is coded, it is pushed to our Dev Server and assigned to the QA team to test. Their job is to essentially find ways to break and exploit these features so that we can patch/fix them prior to final release.
  5. The final step is for the feature to be pushed to main where inevitably the general community will find new ways to break it where you all can enjoy the new feature. Asims are kept in the loop about when a feature will be synced.

As you can see, the development process is not one where the devs operate in a vacuum with minimal oversight. Feature development is a team process and requiresparticipation from multiple teams.

That's all for today, but as always, please feel free to submit a support ticket for any issues you encounter or reach out with any feedback/suggestions you have.

Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 25 Day 231 20:45

- The game terms of use has been updated. Formatting fixes, and sections on chat and privacy data has been updated.
- Fixed an issue with space combat skill checks where pilot was not aboard piloted entity.
- Fixed an issue with force actions where unrelated actions would overwrite passive force slot.
- City construction now requires empty working slot before starting.
- Added Arvala to Space Combat rules page.

Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 186 18:34

FALCON EDIT Y25 D228: This is the final update for this sim news post. Herdfest server has been archived and you may now claim items aboard the T2 and Herdship (with the exception of items currently being spawned by another character. Give them ample time to pick their item up from the floor).


Thanks again for participating and enjoy your day!

FALCON EDIT Y25 D206: I will be archiving the HerdFest Discord server in ~24 days(just setting all channels to read-only and removing extra privs). Once that is done, I will post one final update here. Additionally, when the server is archived, I will not be enforcing the "no stealing from HerdFest" rule. So basically, if you want your stuff, you have until I post the next update to grab your stuff or someone else is gonna come along and steal it. 

one caveat to this is that if you follow a latecomer into the Baffor Jubilee and claim their prize right when it's spawned, then that will be enforced. 

That is all. See you in 24 days!

It seems we Platypus forgot to make a Sim News about this... sorry!


The Ithorian Explorer who used to teleport you to the Herdship has gone home. The rewards vendor is still available and can be found in the cockpit of the Herdship which you can travel to at the following coordinates:

Sector: Bright Jewel
System: Bright Jewel (-5, 185)
System Position: (12, 9)

We have no plans to remove the rewards vendor any time soon, so if you still have leaves burning a hole in your pocket, feel free to spend them!

Platypus Edit: Sorry, my bad! One note - the Herd Meet Host in the Bafforr Jubilee's entrance can still send you home one last time. This NPC will be removed after D194.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 228)
Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 213 14:29


We're doing some more maintenance on the main server to debug performance issues. This will create performance issues for a little while. We'll update you when this is all complete!


Server maintenance is still in progress. Please do not upload any custom images until this maintenance is complete or they will be lost. 

This is old, ignore it:
We’re doing some back end work to make some admin tools and overall performance work better. This involves taking a backup of some tables we normally wouldn’t and the server may be impacted for a while. 

Edit: Server work completed.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 216)
Posted by Kolomon Seph on Year 25 Day 210 16:43

Greetings fellow sentients!

A small update this time...

