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Causing Havoc…
Posted by: Shas`o Cho, Havoc Squad
Date: Year 26 Day 41 Onboard the MC-60 Star Cruiser [HAVOC] Tears of Rebellion in system Huldamun (285, -263).


Breaking news - the Truth about what actually happened in Kowak…


Havoc Operations Year 26 Day 20 - 35….


For the last two weeks, Havoc Squad has been conducting operations in the Kira CW Sector.  Firstly, they conducted a recon patrol of the Derra system with the intention of divining the disposition of Rebel forces in the system.  Whilst they met with some success they noted that Rebel Alliance forces in the area were either too reluctant to show their hand or just too cowardly to act against the heroic forces of Havoc Squad.  They also noticed the presence of Zann forces in the system who may be keeping the RA and its allies in check. With that part of the mission completed, Havoc’s forces pulled out of the system and headed at top speed to the Kowak system…


The Kowak system as it turned out was a different matter.  Here the Rebel Alliance launched wave after wave of A-wings and B-wings at the arguably more antiquated Toscans and Star Sabres backed up with Raiders of Havoc Squad.  However, Havoc proved that these older ships in the hands of more seasoned veterans were more than a match for the poorly trained Rebel pilots in their more modern ships.  The ensuing battle, which lasted several hours, saw hundreds of rebel ships heavily damaged or destroyed by Havoc Squad.



Towards the end of the fight a single MC-80B, owned by a chairholder and member of the Rebel Leadership Board Robby Rae, the 'Rebel Dawn' was deployed in an attempt to swing the battle in favor of the rebel forces. Havoc sources witnessed the vessel actively engaging in rebel activity and ultimately it launched A-wings against Havoc’s forces, making it a legitimate target.  Havoc Squad sensing an opportunity to destroy a High Value Target immediately launched a potentially suicidal and unthinkable attack on the much larger, more heavily armed capital ship all this whilst being attacked by most of the system’s Garrison Squadrons who were easily beaten off.  


It should be noted that although the Rebel Alliance has branded our actions cowardly, during the battle with the MC-80b, the Rebel Dawn’s crew abandoned ship, they were last seen fleeing the scene in A-wings. In an odd turn of events, on two separate occasions the rebels opened fire on their own cruiser. In the confusion, Havoc continued to press the charge. Despite a few losses, Havoc’s gamble paid off, leaving the Rebel Dawns squadron of A-wings severely damaged along with the Garrison ships and the cruiser’s wreckage as a navigation hazard….  


Forces in Kowak are so incompetent and lacking any real tactical knowledge, on two separate occasions a squadron was witnessed attacking the “Rebel Dawn” in a series of brutal ‘friendly fire’ incidents, causing severe damage as well as making them a laughing stock.  One member of Havoc Squad later commented that he had seen blind Hutts demonstrate more competence in combat,  It seems if these are the best the Rebel Alliance has to offer the Emperor has nothing to fear from them if he ever did. 




In what could be seen as a further snub to the Rebels and their sympathisers, the majority of Havoc’s ships, used in the Kowak raid, were originally acquired from The Resistance and Blue Star Dominion, when they were on friendlier terms.  These more outdated fighters and bombers managed to hold their own and win a decisive victory against a far  “superior” enemy. Many of Havoc’s operators are previous Alliance members to some degree, whether that be The Resistance, the defunct New Republic or the Rebel Alliance directly. All of us grew tired of the corruption that spills and the empty promises constantly being made by the leadership teams that make up the dysfunctional “Alliance” that exists for the Rebels.


There are major questions here to be answered, was the outcome of the battle down to poor training or just poor leadership?  Is the Rebel Alliance now just a lumbering dinosaur that has lost its way?  Have their allies any faith in their leadership?  Only their leadership can answer these questions now IF they even choose to address them. 


This claim of “Rebel Intelligence” is a bit laughable at best. They had no idea we were on the way or what our targets were. We were able to sneak in uncontested for the first part of this operation, performed recon, and neutralized their sensor arrays before they even reacted. We are not pirates contrary to these rebel claims, if they had any factual information they would know that. We are Private Military Contractors, we didn’t come to loot, we came to send a message. Some may call us Mercenaries, but either way business is good.


We expected that the Rebel Alliance wouldn’t provide anything other than preposterous excuses like, “a training accident or, some poor civilian flew their MC80b star cruiser full of military fighters into a warzone, unintentionally I might add and then claim it was merely a private ship and had nothing to do with the Rebel. The facts are pretty clear regardless of how Rebel Alliance High Command chooses to spin this news.  Yet again through our actions, we have laid bare the inadequacies of the Rebel Alliances' training, tactics and defences.  We have scored a victory for those who uphold the laws of the rightful Galactic Government.  Havoc Squad will continue to target The Rebels and their allies until the message is clear:  “We bring only death, and leave only carrion. It is a message even the Rebels can understand.”


While we appreciate the overwhelming amount of support and inquiries to join Havoc Squad, we must remind everyone that we choose our members. Those who applied will be rejected.

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