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...You guys didn't REALLY think I was leaving, did you? I don't apologize for leading you all on During April 2nd, when we all know that's the day that our April Fools jokes become real... However, the best April Fools jokes are the ones that you truly believe, and this one took an extra day! Thank you all for the kind words you sent my way, wishing me well. And for the naysayers, I apologize that you have to continue to put up with me. :)

Extra special thank you to the 63 people that sent Evan a DM, the 38 people who thanked Noctis for Mount Sorrow, and the 40 people that messaged me on Discord or via DM after the initial post went up(man you people really liked Evan didn't you??).


So in short:


I will be spending the majority of this week continuing to get caught up on what I've missed, as well as prepping HerdFest for our planned Star Wars Day release(Which I am very excited for). We've got a couple new features coming within the next... ehhh... 6 months or so that are also super exciting, so stay tuned for that. You'll probably see them a bit after HerdFest winds down.


Finally, I want to send a super special thank you to all the members of the Staff and the Team Directors for their patience while I was gone. I was a bit worried that I might not be able to stay away as much as I was hoping to, but the members that make up these teams really supported me stepping back and did a fantastic job carrying the extra weight in my absence. I truly can't thank you folks enough.


Anyways, enough about me. Let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming, shall we? I think next up is DeathMatch... Oh and I'll be finishing that darn CP Room Map Bounty next week too. Final final final call. I promise.




My fellow citizens of this glorious galaxy,


I want to thank each and every one of you for the overwhelmingly kind words sent my way. You all have been more than gracious and understanding with me taking my hiatus this past month, and for that, I say thank you.

I did a lot of self-reflection this month, and tried to find out where I was at in life. This month has been such a relaxing month for me, and I found there's more to life than some online Star Wars game that I've been playing for almost 20 years... 

So I guess I'll just cut to the hard part. I am formally announcing my resignation as ASim, and will be taking an indefinite break from the game. I plan to take this week to catch up on outstanding issues, help out where needed, and then I will fully step down. It's been a wonderful journey these past few years as ASim, and has been extremely rewarding for me. I'm going to miss you all, and I know many (not all) of you will miss me. But fear not, I have chosen my replacement, and I think you're going to be in great hands... for in my absence, I would like to congratulate and thank Evan Bluvius for agreeing to re-join the ASim team. You all probably know him as just "Evan" and he is who I aspire to be when I grow up (do we ever really grow up?).


If you'd like, you can send him a message by clicking on THIS LINK congratulating him on rejoining the team and offering tot ake on the workload left in my upcoming absence. 

Anyways, if you have any issues this week, feel free to send me a message on discord, or via DM, or you can always file a support ticket at http://support.swcombine.com.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!

(Edited by Coastas Agrios on Year 25 Day 129)