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Posted by Falcon on Year 25 Day 143 21:03

Howdy folks, Herdfest is right around the corner! Remember that if you plan on attending, you'll need to make your way to the nearest Trading I Station, Trading II Station, or Powered Starport to access this event. Additionally, you may travel to the Trading II station Morning Star above Gasteroid within the Bright Jewel System at 7,11 which we have provided as a place for anyone to set up vendors! Please hurry though, the plants keep growing and I'm not sure we can contain them.

At the event, there will be vendors, minigames, quests, plants and prizes galore, so head on over! On Y25 D160 (AKA May 4th), an Ithorian NPC will appear at the above locations to ferry you the event. The event will run for 2 weeks (until the end of Y25 D174), but fear not, for when you decide to go home, you will be able to return to right where you left.

This is also a friendly notice that you won't be able to land your ship on the event planet (Gasteroid). You can bring items/vendors with you to the station above Gasteroid, so that you can set up vendors, but you may not bring NPCs planetside. This system will be marked as a combat safe zone, so you don't have to worry about anyone attacking your vendors. We will also be monitoring for theft from vendors aboard this station, and any theft will result in your immediate dismissal from HerdFest. This is a family friendly event after all... so if your vendors get stolen from, please let us know! (You should be able to set up a vendor from your ship anyways, which makes that a moot point.)

I will provide a link to the HerdFest discord server approximately one week prior to the event(subject to change) so everyone can get situated. This is an officially endorsed SWC server, and as such SWC rules, HerdFest Server rules, and Discord TOS all apply. 


As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message via DM, PM or via Discord. You can also submit a support ticket by clicking HERE.

EDIT: Yes you may arrive early to set up your vendor. The Ithorian NPC will spawn on Y25 D160 in the entrance. 

SupaChupa edit: Oh look the discord is live! Don't forget to thank Noctis!

(Edited by Chupacabra on Year 25 Day 153)