Last Edit, I promise, but in order to encourage participation in showdowns, I will be enabling XP in showdown arenas at 10% the normal rate. If you'd like to have your own arena, please ensure you read the rules concerning showdown use and then post in this thread to request your own arena. You can also check out the FAQs for Space/Ground Showdowns(though space is the current focus) The XP will be on for roughly 48 hours. Enjoy!
[EDIT: XP has been turned off for showdown arenas (congrats on the 2 free days extra!)]
The below changes are done (please pay attention to the 3 notes at the bottom). With these new weapon changes, we highly encourage all of you to participate in showdowns with ships that received some of these changes, and post any feedback you have in this thread here, so we can adjust stats as needed. Thanks!
EDIT: Added clarification on slot sizes below, sorry for the previous quick blurb.
Good morning USA, and happy Sunday!
As promised in my last Sim News, I'm going to be starting the update of the following items:
- Mounted Weapon Changes
- Minor Ship Changes
- The following Ships will be changing classes from Light Freighter to Gunboat:
- Atlas-class Troop Transport Shuttle
- ATR-6 Assault Transport
- Crescent X-9
- Delta-class V-7 Escort Shuttle
- DX-9 Dropship
- Gamma Assault Shuttle
- Kom'rk-class Transport
- Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
- Muurian Transport
- Nu-class Attack Shuttle
- RZ-68 Troop Transport
- Sentinel-class Landing Craft
- Zeta-class Long Range Shuttle
- The following Ships will see a change in Maneuvrability:
- Arquitens-class Light Cruiser: 2→3
- EF65 Meridian-Class Frigate: 2→3
- EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate: 2→3
- Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser: 2→3
- Nova-class Battlecruiser: 2→3
- Adz-class Patrol Destroyer: 2→3
- CR-90 Corvette: 2→3
- Crusader-class Corvette: 3→4
- DP-20a Gunship: 1→4
- DP-20b Gunship: 2→4
- DP-20c Gunship: 2→3
- I-BEAM Starfighter: 6→7
- Miy'Til-class Starfighter: 6→7
- N-1 Starfighter: 5→6
- Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter MkI: 6→7
- Viper-class Starfighter: 6→7
- Z-95 Headhunter: 5→6
- JumpMaster 5000: 4→5
- Pelagia Duplex Command Assault Gunship: 5→4
- Tri-Mark VII Interceptor: 6→5
- UT-60D U-Wing Support Craft: 5→4
- The following Ships had Party Slot Size changes:
- Consular-class Cruiser: 8→6 slots (-2)
- Discril-class Attack Cruiser: 8→6 slots (-2)
- DP-20c Gunship: 10→9 slots (-1)
- Foray-class Blockade Runner: 8→6 slots (-2)
- IPV-1 System Patrol Craft: 8→6 slots (-2)
- Tie/In Starfighter: 1→0.75 slots (-0.25)
- ATR-6 Assault Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
- D5-Mantis Patrol Craft: 3→2 slots (-1)
- Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
- DX-9 Dropship: 4→3 slots (-1)
- Firespray-class Interceptor: 3→2 slots (-1)
- Gamma Assault Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
- JumpMaster 5000: 3→2 slots (-1)
- Kom'rk-class Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
- Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
- Muurian Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
- Nu-class Attack Shuttle: 4→3 slots (-1)
- Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship: 3→2 slots (-1)
- RZ-68 Troop Transport: 4→3 slots (-1)
- S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace: 3→2 slots (-1)
- Sentinel-class Landing Craft: 4→3 slots (-1)
- Ship Weapons will be changing on some ships(with the overall ship stat change coming in 2 weeks that affect RM stuff)
- Space Trooper Armour will be removed with the Ship stat Changes coming in 2 weeks.
I will NOT be updating Ship or Station components today, since that will change RM/RMP costs. That change is still coming in 2 weeks. For the above changes, this should happen relatively quickly, but I'll update this post when the changes are complete.