In the mists of time long past, before the great galactic upheaval, there was a planet, cold and barren, once known as Ithilleron. It once orbited a star in the Pakrick system on its outer edge, and it was in those times that a discovery was made that would change the lives of those who found it and the generations to come. An ancient holocron, the teachings of a long-dead force master, neither a Sith nor a Jedi, this master was of an ancient, seldom heard of order that believed that in order to have balance, one should embrace the force as a whole. Since those long past days and with the galactic upheaval, the planet Ithilleron has been spun out of its orbit to a distant location in the Perinn sector. Now known as Cantras Gola, it is a rogue planet with no star to orbit; it has become a lightless, frigid planet, harsh beyond imagination. But it is here in this harsh environment that a small group of Force users now follow the teachings of this long-dead master. Together, these Force users, under the leadership of the Masters Raa`hse and Sinya, have become the Guri-n Krayt.
The Guri-n Krayt provides Bounty Hunter's Taverns in various places across the galaxy.
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