The preferred transport of the jet-set clique of the galaxy, the C-3 Passenger Liner is designed to get its passengers to their destination quickly and comfortably. To these ends, it boasts a hyperdrive comparable to all but the fastest Corellian light transports as well as the some of the finest passenger berths and amenities to be found on the galaxy's space lanes. The elegant design of the C-3 is centered around a circular passenger deck connected to the main hull via a series of reinforced durasteel pylons. This design separates the passengers from the working parts of the vessel, allowing the crew to run the ship efficiently without interfering, or even interacting, with the passengers. The C-3 has no defensive armament. Rather, it relies on its large sensor array, fast sublight engines, and powerful hyperdrive to avoid pirates and other threats. Compared to other vessels of similar size, the C-3 makes for a difficult target given its elusive qualities. While not as common as other liners, the C-3 sees much use in the galaxy. They are utilized as high-end commercial liners, consular vessels for important dignitaries, or even spaceborne palaces for the super rich.