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Planetary Economy

All facilities, including facilities in hidden cities, have an influence on the stats of a planet. Orbital stations have no influence. The influence described below can be viewed as the base of the planetary characteristics. However, they can be modified by various factors like changing the Tax Level or collecting taxes (see Governments).

The Base Population of a planet is given by the total number of flats present on that planet.

BP = (Ln (Flats) x (Flats)^2) + (Flats)

Ln = Logarithm, Natural

Flats = Total Number of Flats on Planet

Facilities with flats:

The Tax Level determines how much tax revenue is generated for a planet. (see Governments).

Civilization Level, Crime Rate and Morale are decimal numbers between 0 and 1 and with 4 rounded decimal places.

The Civilization Level is always positive and smaller than one. It is a way to characterize the level of development of a planet.

CL = (Sum of each(NF * FA)) / PSA

Sum of each = Application of equation (NF * FA) for every type of facility on the planet.

NF = Number of Facility type

FA = Area of Facility Type

PSA = Planet Surface Area = (Planet Area * (22^2))


For Example:

CL = (Sum of Each(NF*FA)) / PSA


PSA = 4 * 22^2 = 1936

Sum of:

Power Gens = (12 * 3) = 36

Starports = (4 * 32) = 128

Sum of Each(NF*FA) = 164


CL = 164 / 1936 = 0.0847

Base Crime Rate plays a significant role in the cost of building, mining and the income said buildings produce.

BCR = CL * [s1 / (s1 + s2)] * eTL / 0.83

CL = Civilization Level

NF = Number of Facility Type

FA = Area of Facility Type

s1 = Sum of Each1 (NF * FA)

s2 = Sum of Each2 (NF * FA)

e = Exponential Function

TL = Tax Level

Each1 = Hotel, Tavern, Warehouse, Park, Factory, Mine, Slave Market, Labour Camp, Bank, Alazhi Farm, Dry Dock, Naval Shipyard, Port, Computer Control Centre, Research Centre, Chemical Processing Facility, Lab.

Each2 = Palace, Statue, Fountain, Civic Centre, Barracks, Prison, Imperial Palace, Royal Hapan Palace, Conference Centre, Command Centre, Government House, Holonet Communication Centre, Casino, Council Flats, Crew Quarters, Large Palace.

This equation works in a similar way to the Civilization Level in that it uses a Sum of Each equation to derive a figure. However it should be noted that only facilities types listed for Each1 should be calculated in the Each1 part of the equation, and vice versa for Each2.

In effect, all facilities from the Each1 list increase the crime proportionally to their size, while a facility present on the Each2 list but not on the Each1 list will reduce the crime.

Like the Base Crime Rate, Base Morale plays a significant role in facility construction and mining, though not income.

BM = [(1 - (CR * TL * CL)) * (Sum of Each3 (NF * FA))] / [(Sum of Each4 (NF * FA)) + 2(Sum of Each5 (NF * FA)) + 4(Sum of Each6 (NF * FA))]

CR = Crime Rate

TL = Tax Level

CL = Civilization Level

NF = Number of Facility Type

FA = Area of Facility Type

Each3 = Personal Residence, Hotel, Tavern, Semi-detached House, Warehouse, Palace, Park, Statue, Fountain, Church, Landing Pad, Hospital, Factory, Mine, High Rise Building 10 flats, High Rise Building 20 flats, High Rise Building 30 flats, High Rise Building 40 flats, Temple, Imperial Palace, High Rise Building 50 flats, Skyscraper 60 flats, Skyscraper 70 flats, Skyscraper 80 flats, Skyscraper 90 flats, Skyscraper 100 flats, Jedi Praxeum, Royal Hapan Palace, Conference Centre, Command Centre, Government House, Bank, Alazhi Farm, Chapel, Dry Dock, Naval Shipyard, Port, Computer Control Centre, Cathedral, Research Centre, Starport, Casino, Lab, Large Palace

Each4 = Personal Residence, Semi-detached House, High Rise Building 10 flats, High Rise Building 20 flats, High Rise Building 30 flats, High Rise Building 40 flats, High Rise Building 50 flats, Skyscraper 60 flats, Skyscraper 70 flats, Skyscraper 80 flats, Skyscraper 90 flats, Skyscraper 100 flats, Workers Compound, Council Flats, Crew Quarters

Each5 = Hotel, Tavern, Warehouse, Landing Pad, Factory, Mine, Recycling Plant, Bacta Refinement Facility, Dry Dock, Naval Shipyard, Port, Starport, Chemical Processing Facility, Casino, Lab

Each6 = Slave Market, Labour Camp, Sith Temple

If you have trouble understanding this formula, refer to Crime Rate and Civilization Level.

In effect, all facilities from the Each3 list increase the morale proportionally to their size, while a facility present on the Each4, Each5, and Each6 lists will reduce the morale. Facilities from the Each5 list have a twice worse effect and facilities from the Each6 list have a 4x worse effect.

On each planet, there is a maximum number of NPCs that can be hired. This number is calculated according to the following equation:

Available NPCs = (1 + ((CL + 0.1) + (BM + 0.1)) * (0.15 * Flats) * [Scaling Factor])

CL = Civilization Level

BM = Base Morale

Flats = Total Number of Flats on Planet Each week, this number is added to the remaining existing number of available NPCs. However, the maximum number of available NPCs per planet and per week is limited to 1,000.

The faction owning more than 50% of the flats of a planet, with these flats being all powered is considered as the government of the planet. As an advantage, the group will get the monthly tax income of that planet and will be able to fix the Tax Level, providing they are a government faction. The group name will be displayed in the planet's information as being the legal government of that planet.

If the majority of the flats is owned by NPCs, then the government will be neutral and 'None' will appear in the planet's information.

If a facility containing flats (house, high-rise...) is made over to or by a faction, then the local government is recalculated. Therefore, trading facilities may generate a change of government, including the disappearance of any government for a planet (for example, if the faction governing the planet is giving all its flats to a character, then the government becomes 'None').


The Galactic Empire owns a powered High Rise 10 (providing 10 flats) on the planet Coruscant. At this point in time they are listed as government of the planet due to the fact that they own more than 50% of the planet's total flats.

The New Republic builds a High Rise 20, however it is left unpowered. At this point in time, neither are listed as government due to the fact that of the 30 total flats, neither government controls the majority of powered flats.

The New Republic finishes construction of their power generator and assigns power to their flats. At this point in time, the New Republic is listed as government because they own and have powered 20 of the 30 total flats.