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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 181
Faction Creation

At any time, a player may decide to found a faction. In order to proceed, several conditions must be fulfilled.

There must be at least 2 active member(s) not belonging to any other faction who will be ready and willing to join the new group. (You must have their consent.)

Upon creation, a faction needs the following:

  • An Original Name
  • Horizontal Banner (468 x 60 Pixels)
  • Vertical Banner (60 x 468 Pixels)
  • Logo (70 x 70 Pixels)
  • Faction Description (150 words in length)
  • An Active Leader (Last login less than 14 days ago)

A minimum capital is required to create a faction. The capital may be composed of:

  • Cash (credits)
  • Ships
  • Vehicles
  • Facilities
  • Space Stations

The value of the material assets will be determined by their selling price on the NPC market.

Assets to be used as capital for initial faction creation, including the 7x7 facility that gets converted into the relevant headquarters facility, should have a tag added to them in the inventory prior to Faction creation. This tag should have the same name as the name of the faction you wish to create.

Failure to do so will mean that there will be no suitable assets for headquarters conversion, and faction creation will be impossible.

Upon creation, the faction must pay the registration fee in credits. The fee cannot be deducted from the capital. The registration fee covers the following privileges:

  • Listing the faction in the factions list and factions pages
  • Posting on the GNS (information factions receive a discount)
  • Allowing people to join and leave the faction
  • Providing global asset management to the faction

In addition, a 7x7 building is needed for the first headquarters.

Once the conditions are met and the registration fee is paid, the faction will be created. The player that completed the faction creation process will gain 1,000 XP. The faction will then be listed on the factions list and more players will be able to join it.

On the factions page the following information will be listed:

  • Faction's name, description, website URL, banner and logo
  • Leader name, picture, email
  • Date of faction's founding
  • If the faction is present on the Stock Exchange, then the stock value will be displayed.
  • If the faction is present on the Stock Exchange, the faction's capital will appear monthly on an economical report of the factions. The report will be posted automatically on the GNS.

The faction owner will have the ability to assign and change the faction leader at any time. By default, the owner is the leader until a leader is assigned.

The faction leader has the ability to manage the faction. This includes assets and membership management.

When a new faction is created, this is automatically announced on the GNS, naming the leader of the faction and the city where its first headquarters is located. The administration will not give any material bonus upon creation.

Additionally, the faction will receive one headquarters facility. The headquarters will serve as an optional starting location for players who create a new character while a member of that faction. The headquarters also has a beneficial effect on the planet statistics.

Factions are formed of modules. Read more about the available modules and their benefits here.

When a faction builds a headquarters facility it is essentially providing a starting location for its members. This allows all new players joining that faction to start inside this headquarters if they haven't already selected a starting location. A faction can have multiple headquarters facilities, but only when a faction reaches 20 active members can a second headquarters facility be built. For every additional 20 active members a faction has, it may build an additional headquarters facility.

With 5 active members, you can build 1 headquarters facility
With 20 active members, you can build 2 headquarters facilities
With 40 active members, you can build 3 headquarters facilities
With 55 active members, you can build 3 headquarters facilities
If the faction's active membership drops below a multiple of 20, and they already have a headquarters, then the headquarters facility will not be destroyed.
85 active members and 4 headquarters means you may select any of them as a starting location
65 active members and 4 headquarters means you may still select any of them as a starting location
Freelancers will be allowed to choose their starting location from the NPC headquarters facility on their home world (Kashyyyk for Wookiees, Csilla for Chiss, Kuat for Kuati...).

If a faction has at least one headquarters, at least one of the headquarters facilities must be set to "Open To All" or "Open To Faction."

When a faction is created, the faction's owner may be a character or another faction. The owner has the ability to appoint and remove the faction's leader. The owner has also the ability to give away the faction to another character or faction.

If the faction has released stocks, the owner is defined as the character or faction owning at least one stock more than 50% of the faction stocks.

The faction owner may also decide at any time to change the name of the faction at a cost of 15,000,000 credits.

If the faction has stocks, they go to the market and the leader is informed immediately. If not, then the leader becomes the owner.

Leadership is transferred to the second in command. If none exists, then the faction member with the highest level of privileges becomes leader.