The Mankvim-814 was built for the purpose of short range, making it less suitable as an assault fighter, but perfect for planetary defence. Their construction consists mainly of a reactor that because of the lack of hyperdrive can feed all its power to a high velocity Ion drive. This way the 814 can immediately respond to threats wherever they occur within a system. With the full knowledge that the lateral thrusters commonly used in starships decrease the effective sublight speed a revolutionary design idea was conceived of in the construction of the ship. A magnetized rudder tilts the ion flow providing it with off-axis thrust. Side thrusters were still added to aid in roll and yaw adjustments, but they were kept to a minimum. Knowing that sometimes pirates would drop their ships into the atmosphere of a planet to escape pursuit, the Mankvim-814 was fitted with repulsorlift carrying aerodynamic wings increasing its interceptor role inside a planets atmosphere. Even though it has been quite a while since its introduction, the Mankvim-814 light interceptor is still one of the best starfighters around built purely for planetary defense.