The designation 'Pirate Snub Fighter' can refer several different carrier or garrison-based starfighters produced in-house by various gangs and crime syndicates. Designed in response to soaring costs and increasing security of public shipyards, these starfighters are cheap, customizable, and, most importantly, untraceable. The most commonly seen variants feature a large, ventral cockpit able to accommodate a wide variety of species, and are powered by two to three readily available sublight engines. Two to four forward facing, fixed laser cannons lend the snub fighter an offensive capability that is to be ignored at a target's own peril, especially when the snub fighters are deployed in large numbers. To keep costs low, the snub fighters are often not equipped with hyperdrive engines. This also is said to encourage loyalty and fierce fighting, as pilots are not able to flee or defect. There is also minimal life support, and only moderate shielding.