The Carrack-class was developed and produced during the Clone Wars by Damorian Manufacturing Corporation for the Republic Navy. A smaller frigate, the Carrack was designed to escort larger ships-of-the-line and protect them against smaller threats. However, shipwrights were careful to balance the weapons spread to enable groups of Carracks to coordinate and take down much larger vessels. Relatively slow in sublight, the Carrack was swift through hyperspace and adapted well to patrol duties in secured territories with its military-grade sensor suite. A rugged hull and redundant life support and power systems gave the Carrack-class a reputation for survivability, making it a popular assignment for Navy officers.
An Imperial overhaul of the Damorian design led to the development of a special new version, the Carrack/I-class Light Cruiser. Based entirely upon the updated S-series, the flak batteries were replaced with more advanced ionic weapons technology for non-destructive capture roles. Admirals had learned the value of prisoners during the Clone Wars and under the right conditions, there could be great advantage in capturing opposing vessels intact and with their passengers alive. Operating in small groups, the Carrack/I is one of the most powerful arrest ships in the galaxy.