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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Ground Combat: Poison

Poison is a status effect which causes damage over time to organic entities such as Characters, NPCs, and Creatures. Things experiencing the effects of poison will suffer from damage until they are cured or until the effect wears off.

A target can be poisoned several ways: by being attacked by a weapon which is by its nature poisonous, such as certain creature weapons and certain Non-Projectile Weapons; by being attacked with a weapon which has had poison applied to it; or by being healed with a counterfeit medical item.

Once poisoned, the effect lasts for a maximum of 36 hours.

Total damage dealt by a single poison application is capped to the lower of either 30% of the target's maximum HP, or 800 HP. Every hour, the target will take damage equal to the lower of either 10% of their maximum HP, or 4.0x the maximum damage of the weapon that applied the poison. If the poison was not applied by a weapon, the default maximum damage value (before multiplier) is 10.

No entity can die solely from the effects of poison. Poison will always leave the target with at least 1 HP.

Chance to be Poisoned = ((SkillA / 6) + 1) * (30 - ((SkillT + 1)/2))

SkillA = Attacker weapon skill
SkillT = Target Strength skill

Critical hits with poison weapons will always apply the poison effect. Critical hits will also refresh the poison timer to its maximum length and the cumulative damage counter to zero. Non-critical hits will not refresh the poison timer or the damage counter.


Critical hits on poison can damage you past the damage cap of a single poison application. Multiple critical hits over time can lower you all the way to 1 HP.

Certain weapons, including creatures, are by their very nature poisonous. These weapons do not require poison to be applied to them, and they will always have a chance to poison any organic entity they hit.

It is possible to apply poison to a weapon, giving it a chance to poison any organic target it hits. Applying poison is instantaneous, and the poison lasts for 4 hours. Poison can only be applied to items the Character has equipped, and the character must be standing in a room (not outside). The following items can be used to apply poison to a weapon:

Corellian Sand Panther Claw
Corellian Sand Panther Claw
Crystal Snake Venom
Crystal Snake Venom
Physallis Berry
Physallis Berry
Poison Vial
Poison Vial
Sarlacc Stomach Acid
Sarlacc Stomach Acid
Spice Powder
Spice Powder
Vornskr Tail
Vornskr Tail

Only certain weapons can have poison applied to them. Those weapons are as follows:

6-2Aug2 Hunting Rifle
6-2Aug2 Hunting Rifle
Battle Axe
Battle Axe
BD-1 Cutter
BD-1 Cutter
Combat Knife
Combat Knife
Dressellian Projectile Rifle
Dressellian Projectile Rifle
Ryyk Blade
Ryyk Blade
Vibro Axe
Vibro Axe
Zenji Needles
Zenji Needles

Using counterfeit medicine items on a patient has a chance to poison them.


Poison Chance = (30 - (SkillP / 2)) * (1 - (SkillM)/6)

SkillP = Patient's Strength skill
SkillM = Doctor's Medical Treatment skill

Poisoned entities can be cured by use of an Antidote. The following items can be used to cure poison:


Use of a counterfeit Antidote has a chance to re-apply the poison effect to the target.

XP Earned from Antidote = ((Doctor Medical Treatment + 1) * 10) / 2)

If a target is poisoned, they cannot be poisoned again until the poison timer has ended. However, the following situations will cause the poison timer to be reset:

  • A critical hit with a poisoned weapon
  • Using a counterfeit medical item