Alpha Medical Corporation (AMC) owner Lister O`Smeg originally joined AMC in year 7 when it was a nationalised faction of the Avance Coalition. After a brief membership of AMC Lister moved on to the infrastructure team in Avance where he stayed until the merger with the Trade Federation 3 years ago. AMC became a Trade Federation NAT for a short while until it was dissolved.
Now Alpha Medical Corporation has re-emerged from the darkness to bring aid to the downtrodden throughout the Galaxy. Originating in the Caduceus Province, the sectors of Stensen and Bri'ahl, formerly Avance House Asclepius governed territory, AMC has access to plentiful resources and lots of undeveloped land.
Alpha Medical has made startling breakthroughs in the sciences of Cybernetics, prosthetics, and Bacta refinement. The AMC infrastructure team has developed a highly civilised system which produces a very high chance of success for complicated operations such as cybernetic installs. These sciences have enabled AMC Senior Surgeons Havic Beown, Tolmar Stele and Lupus O`Smeg who are second to none in their field to perform the most delicate procedures in the Galaxy, and make the needed lifelike artificial limbs, and organs accessible to all so that patients can go back to their everyday lives happy and complete.
Current record: (Customers/First time success/Succesful/Critical failure)
Tolmar Stele 4/2/2/1
Any one requiring a cybernetic installed please contact Lister O`Smeg. The only cost is a charge by the server to the customer and that varies in price depending on the Cybernetic RMP. This is between 8m-37m and is taken by the server when the customer instigates the procedure. Once assigned a theatre slot please board naked as all items are removed when the procedure starts. The civ level used is 82.640% all doctors have med treatment 5 as do all five assistants. Operations take place on Caaraz Asteroid.
Alpha always seeks adrenaline junkies, doctors and the great minds out there to aid us in our goal to bring safe, sterile and timely medical care to the suffering people across the Galaxy. We are always accepting and willing to train eager new Doctors and Combat Medics for the good of the people.
We have opportunities in every aspect of Combine life and currently offer lifetime FI as construction rewards for anyone interested in helping develop the sectors.
Alpha Medical Corps was briefly the home of the Shockball league and official supplier of medical care to the games.
AMC is currently working in partnership with the Kingdom of Elysia to provide medical care to their citizens and has strong ties to The Wraiths and of course the Trade Federation who has been providing planetary control of the Caduceus Province sectors since the merger.