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Koensayr Manufacturing

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 13 Day 145
Leader: Raptor Cardel
Second In Command: Rina Kilaeon
Recruitment Liaisons: Raptor Cardel, Azarin Isard
Chat: Discord Invite

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* Colossal-Class Heavy Carrier Datacard Rental is 7 million credits per DC  - Includes 6 Starsaber MK1 or MK2 Datacards free of charge.
*Star Saber MK1 Datacard: 75K per DC
*Star Saber MK2 Datacard: 150K per DC


*Datacard assignments are guaranteed for 90 days*

All ships come with Koensayr Exterior Customs, Cockpit/bridge and Hangar or docking bay as applicable. See Sales for Details!

* Datacard assignments are provided within 24 hours. Koensayr is an Unaffiliated and Neutral Faction. We sell to anyone who will sell to us*

Koensayr Manufacturing was originally founded during the cordial reign of the Galactic Republic and operated as a privately owned manufacturing company for decades before the Galactic Civil War. As an independent builder, Koensayr focussed heavily on research and development that would give its products a distinct advantage in an increasingly competitive and hostile market. 

The R200 Ion Jet was an Ion Fission Engine designed specifically for the BTL-A4 Y-Wing Star Fighter. The engines were an engineering marvel at the time of their release, easily outperforming many of its competitors, such as the 2A Fission engine from Incom Corporation. The combination of an incredibly well-armored and heavy assault fighter chassis and a revolutionary powerful engine created a legendary star fighter that served the original Galactic Republic well into, and through to the end of the Civil War.

Unfortunately, with the formation of the Galactic Empire, fleet doctrines for militaries across the galaxy began to rapidly change. Massive Capital ships with short range fighter escorts became the norm and demand for hyperspace-equipped star fighters plummeted due to their cost. Shifting economic certainties also created unstable markets around the rest of the galaxy and demand for 'the best of the best' dwindled until 'good enough' was all most of the galaxy could afford. As such, Koensayr went bankrupt and the plans for the Y-Wing were sold on the open market, eventually secured by their competition.

What remained of Koensayr's limited assets, real estate and intellectual properties was purchased by a Free Company known as 'The eXiles' in year 13. Under the ownership of the eXiles, Koensayr was tasked with lending its expertise and knowledge to produce warships for an increasingly expanding military behind the eXiles. At the end of Year 19, and through year 20, Koensayr Manufacturing was joined by Aeyris Manufacturing. Aeyris Manufacturing brought increased staff and experience, but also shipyards and other facilities in the Vahaba Asteroid Belt. The two companies merged and Aeyris manufacturing gave up it's name. Now run by Raptor Cardel, Koensayr Manufacturing secured its independence once more and created a focus on being a boutique 'Built to Order' company. Koensayr was contracted by the Cooperative, a Government located in Hypori and Rannon during Year 20 to provide Exclusive Manufacturing rights for both the military and the commercial arms of the Cooperative Government. This contract proved incredibly important to the re-establishment of Koensayr as it was both lucrative and educational, providing the experience of producing thousands of ships and managing a company that had grown to a workforce of over ten thousand.

The Cooperative, however, would not endure as the government eventually failed. During its reformation, Koensayr cut ties with the government entirely. Koensayr Manufacturing had been bankrupted once before by a foreign government, and it refused to do so again. Helmed by Master Shipwright Raptor Cardel, Koensayr Manufacturing is now an entirely family-owned boutique builder, operating primarily out of the Vahaba Asteroid Belt. Re-established, research and development have once more taken the center stage. Koensayr aims to once more assert itself as a dominant force in the galactic market and it appears well on the path to being so.




Faction Planetary Control Manufacturing Datacards Mining Paramilitary Trading Diplomacy

Datacards Owned:
Ships Vehicles Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Y-8 Mining Vessel
C-wing Ugly
GRZ-6B Wrecker
TIE-wing Ugly
X-ceptor Ugly
Y-TIE Ugly
KRS-1 Ore Hauler
Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter
Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter MkI
Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter MkII
Colossal-class Heavy Carrier
SX-65 Groundhog
FK-7 Airspeeder
EVS Construction Droid
LIN-series Miner
Poison Vial
Bacta Ryfill
Death Stick
Ryll Patch
Alpha Plus Charge
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Recycling Plant
Training Academy
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Golan Laser Battery
Computer Control Centre
Crew Quarters
Slave Market
Labour Camp
Civic Centre
Commerce Centre
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Asteroid Hideout
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Trading II