Mythical Trading
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 Way of the Mandalore
The Resistance

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 16 Day 33
Leader: Eli Descartes
Second In Command: Gand Xitwa
Recruitment Liaisons: Crueya Vandron, Eli Descartes, Gand Xitwa
Chat: Discord Invite

Join This Faction




1. Any questions or requests about Datacards should be sent to Eli Descartes


2. New Public Discord Server:


3. The Resistance is now accepting new recruits. To join, please send a join request to The Resistance. Please carefully follow the steps provided in the join message in order to continue with the application process.


4. Planets within Resistance Territory are currently closed to the public. If you need to retrieve a ship or other asset from one of our planets under shields, please join our discord server using the link above and follow the directions in the "Sheld-access-requests" channel under the "Administration - [Public]" category. 




The Resistance acts as a military government and is organized into several departments, each with its own purpose and mission.

Resistance Military Forces (RMF) are the combined arms branch of The Resistance, incorporating both space and ground warfare capabilities. The mission of the Resistance Military Forces is to combat the spread of Imperial influence throughout the galaxy, as well as the defense of Resistance interests. The Resistance Military Forces are organized into self-sustaining Battle Groups, which are assigned to theaters of operations across the galaxy.
Resistance Intelligence (RI) is the department responsible for obtaining and analyzing military, diplomatic, economic, and political information about the Galactic Empire, Imperial Union, and any other possible threat to The Resistance. Resistance Intelligence Agents engage in both overt and covert operations and are selected for their specialized skills, bravery, morale, and dedication to the cause.
The Resistance Security Force (RSF) is the security arm of Resistance Intelligence. Led by the Director of The Resistance Security Force (DRSF), it is tasked with the identifying and neutralizing internal threats to the Resistance and its allies. This includes law enforcement, management of internal surveillance networks, engaging in counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence operations, and when necessary for conducting internal investigations.
Ordnance & Supply (OAS) is a part of the command of the The Resistance and is headed by the Chief of Ordnance and Supply. Ordnance and Supply is charged with securing equipment, weapons, and foodstuffs for the Resistance Forces. Individual Sector Commands have operational budgets to enable local commands to procure their own food and small arms to supply their local forces, leaving Ordnance and Supply free to concentrate its efforts on attaining hard to obtain items necessary for the war effort, such as capital ships, freighters, starfighters, and high-grade fuel, to keep the Resistance Military Forces and Resistance Government well supplied. Ordnance and Supply works in concert with Support Services to transport the materials throughout the galaxy; Ordnance and Supply had no direct transport capabilities, and relies on the Support Services fleet. A little publicized part of Ordnance and Supply's remit is to engage in weapons and vehicle research and development, attempting to upgrade and update The Resistance's weapons and equipment
The Knights of Zakuul (RKZ) is an order of Force-sensitive warriors of ancient-origin, who traveled from the Unknown Regions to the Ardroxia System, and who have been incorporated into The Resistance as an elite special operations and personal guard department. The philosophy of the Knights of Zakuul differs from both the Jedi and the Sith, believing that the Force is a tool to be used in the pursuit of justice. Zakuul Knights neither reject or rigidly adhere to the light or dark side of the force, instead emphasizing the importance of the exploration of a personal connection to the Force. Today the Knights of Zakuul act as the enforcers of justice and elite personal guards, and the force group of The Resistance.
Resistance Academy on Kamino (RCK) After pushing back imperial forces out of the Kamino system, The Resistance established its new Military Academy on Kamino. Once home to the cloning facilities for the Grand Army of the Republic, Kamino is now home to the Resistance Academy, providing basic training for all new Resistacne Recruits, as well as advanced and department specific training for officers. 



Joining up with The Resistance can be simple and straightforward, but many applicants wash out during their evaluation. Upon applying to join The Resistance, the applicant must complete an application questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is received, Resistance Intelligence starts a background check on the individual. This background check compares the information provided by the individual to intelligence reports and files from both Resistance Intelligence and Galactic Alliance Intelligence Agencies to corroborate information and determine the level of candor of the applicant. Many applicants have been denied on grounds of a lack of candor.

Once cleared by Resistance Intelligence, new recruits to The Resistance or one of its Nationalized Factions are assigned a mentoring officer who oversees their basic training and advanced specialized training within their faction or department. Basic training is provided and required for all new recruits, and covers skills such as piloting, combat, construction, and production. Advanced specialized training is branch dependent, and is at the discretion of the department commanding officer.    




The nationalized factions of The Resistance, under the watchful eye of the Chief of Ordnance and Supply have been fully absorbed. Yet, each retains it's own unique heritage and culture.


   Holowan Conglomerate (HC) is the production arm of The Reistance. Membership is extremely selective, and most of Holowan’s Officers are pulled from the ranks of The Resistance. Holowan develops and manufactures starships, vehicles, weapons, droids, and other equipment for The Resistance. Consisting of several sub divisions, most notably are Holowan Mechanicals and Holowan Laboratories. Holowan Mechanicals is the division responsible for the production of combat and security droids for the resistance, such as the BN-DO Assassin Droid. Holowan Laboratories is the Research and Development division of Holowan, responsible for the development of new cutting-edge technologies.
   Cloud City (CC) once merely a tibanna gas mining colony on the gas giant Bespin, Cloud City has now grown to be a vast mining company operating out of multiple system and sectors across the galaxy. Today the majority of Cloud City's raw material extraction and logistics operations go to supporting The Resistance and its Nationalized Factions in their efforts to oppose and overthrow the Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union. The Chief Executive Officer of Cloud City still holds the title of Baron Administrator.
   The Guardians of the Whills (GW) is a religious order of devotees, who believe in the balance of the Force and the importance of Kyber Crystals in their connection to the Force. While not the official religion of The Resistance, The Guardians of the Whills are the majority religion within Resistance Territory. The Guardians of the Whills are part of the Ancient Order of the Whills whose purpose is to defend the Temples of Kyber against all who seek to harm it. Our faith is centered on the kyber crystals and their powerful connection with the force. As souls join and strive towards selecting a path, a kyber crystal is formed. When the path elder deems a soul worthy of walking their selected path, they visit the caves and take a small piece of the parent crystal. The elder presents the small crystal the follower in order to help them focus and stay true to their path. This piece draws strength for the follower from the parent crystal in the Temples of Kyber on Camden. The Guardians of the Whills are tasked with protecting these crystal caves and crystals within in the belief they will ultimately balance the force.
   Kamino Medical Laboratories (KML) On Year 21 Day 16 Kamino, like many of the planets governed by the New Republic, came under Imperial occupation after the betrayal of the New Republic’s recently elected Chief of State. The Galactic Empire quickly moved to deploy stormtrooper garrisons and impose a militarized police state on Kamino. Fearing that they would once again be forced to clone soldiers for The Empire, the Kaminoans reached out to The Resistance for support. Over the next three weeks the Kaminoans worked with The Resistance in secret, preparing for the day they could overthrow local Imperial rule and drive Imperial forces from the sector. The Kaminaos did not have to wait long, as The Resistance routed Imperial Forces in the Abrion Sector during Operation Lit Beacon on Year 21 Day 106. After being liberated from Imperial Forces, the Kaminoan Government voted to publicly support and join The Resistance, in opposition to The Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union. Kamino Medical Laboratories was established by the Kamino Government to assist The Resistance with medical and scientific endeavors. Kamino Medical Laboratories now operates as a subsidiary of The Resistance, ensuring that the brave men and women of the Alliance received the very best in medical care. ;


A small and secretive private military force, The Resistance was founded by the billionaire noble Lord Crueya Vandron to monitor and combat the Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union. The origins of The Resistance, taking inspirations from the New Republic and its predecessor the Alliance to Restore the Republic, can be traced back the Holowan Conglomerate. As a close ally of the New Republic and a member of the Galactic Alliance, The Resistance acts as a wholly independent military and intelligence force, determined to act as a check on Imperial influence throughout the galaxy. The Resistance is now lead by General Eli Descartes, former Minister of State of the New Republic. 

The Resistance is a group of soldiers, pilots, combat engineers, and intelligence operatives. Many of its members have served as officers in many galactic governments, production corporations, and intergalactic organizations, and all have brought their experience and expertise to this secretive private military force. The upper levels of The Resistance Command consists of veterans of the Galactic Civil War, who are unwaveringly loyal to the cause. The Resistance places a greater emphasis on the training and treatment of its members than most other organizations in the galaxy, giving its operatives the skills and equipment needed to act as a highly trained and effective fighting force. Additionally, The Resistance uses an army of droids to help keep the Resistance up and running, with many robotic workers given more responsibility and independence than elsewhere in the galaxy and seen as more than just droids, which was a continuation of the ideas of the Rebel Alliance. In addition, The Resistance makes uses of a vast droid spy network, to gather and analyze information from across the galaxy.

The Resistance uses a combination of hit-and-run tactics and all our assaults to combat the Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union. The Resistance Fleet is comprised of captured Imperial equipment and New Republic military-grade technology, to provide its soldiers and operatives with top of the line technology and assets for their missions. Imperial Star Destroyers painted in Resistance colors can be seen flying alongside Mon Calamari Cruisers and X-wings, patrolling Resistance Space and engaging in operations against the Imperial Union. 






Faction Government Planetary Control Datacards Manufacturing Mining Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Medical Information Subfaction Religion Diplomacy Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Trading Paramilitary

Datacards Owned:
Ships Vehicles Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
I-BEAM Starfighter
Zeta-class Long-Range Shuttle
Sysat T-24
Colossal-class Heavy Carrier
Sysat T-20
Simiyiar-class Light Freighter
Cargo Canister
EF76 Nebulon-B Medical Frigate
T-wing Interceptor
Toscan 8-Q Starfighter
Vulture-class Droid Starfighter
BR-23 Courier
Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle
GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat
Modular Conveyor
Raider-class Missile Corvette
Hammerhead-class Cruiser
M-class Luxury Liner
Sprint-class Rescue Craft
TIE-wing Ugly
Kandosii-type Dreadnaught
Y-TIE Ugly
Corona-class Frigate
EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
X-ceptor Ugly
GRZ-6B Wrecker
C-wing Ugly
Y-8 Mining Vessel
Goji-DF Turtle Tanker
SX-65 Groundhog
FK-7 Airspeeder
EVS Construction Droid
Kettrifee Air Mover
LIN-series Miner
MD Medical Specialist
DD-13 Medical Assistant
Vacuum Survival Suit
Large Backpack
Ship Parts
Tactical Helmet
Vacuum Survival Helmet
Vacuum Survival Backpack
Poison Vial
Bacta Ryfill
Death Stick
Ryll Patch
Battle Armour
Cyborg Ranged Combat Unit
Artificial Legs
Artificial Eyes
Artificial Arms
Healing Stick
Bacta Tank
Bacta Refill
Bacta Patch
Cyborg Close Combat Unit
Laser Scalpel
Arctic Survival Suit
Arctic Survival Helmet
Amphibian Survival Suit
Amphibian Survival Backpack
Amphibian Survival Mask
Cyborg Weapons Unit
Cyborg Metallurgy Unit
Cyborg Engines Unit
Cyborg Electronics Unit
EMP Grenade
Stun Grenade
TTT-54 - Thumper
C-M Frag Storm Heavy Shotgun
Alpha Plus Charge
Golan Laser Battery
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Civic Centre
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
LNR II Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Training Academy
Shield Projector
Slave Market
SAM Launcher
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Computer Control Centre
Research Centre
Labour Camp
Recycling Plant
Alazhi Farm
Bacta Refinement Facility
Wildlife Preserve
Commerce Centre
Crew Quarters
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Golan II
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Medical Factory Station
Hospital Platform XQ-2
Relay Station
Zoo Station
Trading II
Asteroid Hideout
