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The Lethean Ecumene

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 10 Day 64
Leader: Solarius Masha
Second In Command: David Masha
Recruitment Liaisons: Solarius Masha
Chat: Discord Invite
Forum: Faction Forum

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"High Technology and Religion have never been a contradiction for our Civilization. Through that synchronicity, we forged a great and mighty Commonwealth, the envy of the stars. But in our hubris, we failed our scared charge and our nation fell to ruin. Once again scattered amongst the stars, bound by faith, nobility, and our industrious spirit. We must rise to our former glory. We must summon our full strength. If we must bring to bear the weapons of the past to secure the future, then so be it. Pity those who stand before us. We are favored Scions of the Gods. For the Ecumene!"


The Lethean Ecumene is looking for colonists to settle within our borders and take up employment within one of the five branches of the state, each with its functions and responsibilities. Those individuals who successfully settle within our borders are given a monthly stipend of credits, with additional opportunities provided by fulfilling tasks provided by the state.

To apply reach out to Solarius Masha for additional information.


The organization now known as the Lethean Ecumene has undergone several iterations; please click here for a more comprehensive detailed history.

The history of the Lethean Ecumene at its earliest formation can trace its roots to the merging of remnants of the Keer Nation under Lord Trace Magus; and the Masha family who were under the tutelage and protection of Siejo Kutol of the Corporate Alliance and his extended family; Tal'Shen Aran. This union led to the continuation of Keer Mining as Lethe Merchandising which went on to become a founding member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the interceding years, the organization became entangled as founding members of numerous different organizations, governments, and intergalactic alliances such as the Infinite Empire; The Mercenary Guild; The Pentastar Alignment; Rift Alliance under the Krath Empire.

With the dissolution of the Rift Alliance; the group fell into a period of dormancy within the Pentastar Alignment until the Eyre family appeared making overtures to the Grand Moff of the Alignment, Solarius Masha for assistance. This culminated with the Hosnian System conflict with Alignment forces participating with Aeyris; with the Alignment providing primarily logistical, financial, and material support.

This cooperation eventually led resignation of Solarius Masha as Grand Moff handing the reins to his dear friend Dane Star, and took his followers to the Cooperative; taking up a high command position within the organization.

In the ancient world Hyporii, the ever-industrious Solarius Masha, and his followers founded their new colony. Exploring the numerous ancient but still functioning foundries and cities of a civilization long forgotten; they found temples, symbols of technological enlightenment, adorned with holographic sigils and alters of their pantheon. At this intersection of technology and faith, a transformation stirred within the explorers finding themselves drawn to follow the tenants of the primordial deities as the previous occupants. Spreading the faith quickly to the other worlds of the Cooperative; transforming Hypori from a backwater industrial to a revered world.

This laid the groundwork for the formation of the Hyporian Commonwealth following the collapse of the Cooperative, leading directly to a golden age of prosperity and unity under the Masha and Eyre families. At the height of the Commonwealth's power, a series of events led to its fall into the hands of ARK, and the faithful cast out of its worlds. While the Eyre family settled on the worlds in the newly discovered Kothlis system and became the Bounty Hunters Guild the most faithful continued into the void in search of new worlds to settle with the mission to eventually establish a government of their own and their gods.






Military Operations

The Commerce Branch of the Ecumene is responsible for overseeing and regulating the trade and transportation of goods and services within and outside the Ecumene's border. The commerce branch consists of various Bureaus that specialize in different aspects of commerce, such as:

Merchandising Bureau, which sets the standards and policies for the negotiation, distribution, and consumption of various commodities and products across the Ecumene. 

Logistics Bureau, which coordinates and facilitates the movement and delivery of goods and services across the Ecumene.

The Development Branch of the Ecumene is responsible for planning and executing the construction and maintenance of the physical and digital infrastructure of the group. Its purpose is twofold in which it oversees and regulates the design, engineering, and building of various structures and facilities across the territory while also evaluating and approving the proposals and requests for new development projects and initiatives within and outside the Ecumene.

The Industrial Branch of the Ecumene is responsible for producing and supplying the goods and materials that are essential for continued growth. The branch consists of various departments and agencies that specialize in different aspects of industry, such as:

The Manufacturing Bureau, which oversees and regulates the fabrication, assembly, and quality control of various ships, vehicles, devices, and components across the Ecumene.

The Resource Bureau, which coordinates and facilitates the exploration, mining, and processing of various natural resources across the Ecumene. 

The Medical Bureau, which oversees and regulates the synthesis, testing, and distribution of various drugs, vaccines, and biotechnology across the Ecumene.

The Innovation Bureau, which coordinates and facilitates the research, development, and application of various scientific and technological fields across the Ecumene. 

The Administration Branch of the Ecumene is responsible for managing and coordinating the internal and external affairs of the state. The administration branch consists of various departments and agencies that specialize in different aspects of administration, such as:

The Bureau of Diplomatic Affairs, which oversees and regulates the communication, negotiation, and representation of the Ecumene with other nations and civilizations.

The Education and Training Bureau, which oversees and regulates the provision, evaluation, and improvement of the education and training programs and systems across the Ecumene.

The Order of Scions, which oversees and regulates the recruitment, training, and deployment of the elite warriors and guardians of the Ecumene.

The Military Operations Branch of the Ecumene is responsible several facets for ensuring and enhancing the security and stability of the state. These generally revolve around intelligence, defense, and policing.

Intelligence will revolve around overseeing and regulating the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information and data related to the Ecumene.

Defense which revolves around overseeing and regulating the preparation, deployment, and command of the armed forces and the defense systems of the Ecumene.




Lethean Ecumene | Bounty Hunters Guild


The Lethean Ecumene is intricately involved in many facets of galactic politics; to establish diplomatic contacts, please contact Solarius Masha. 





Faction Datacards Diplomacy Mining Manufacturing Planetary Control

Datacards Owned:
Ships Vehicles Droids Weapons Facilities Stations
GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat
Colossal-class Heavy Carrier
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
C-wing Ugly
GRZ-6B Wrecker
TIE-wing Ugly
X-ceptor Ugly
Y-TIE Ugly
Y-8 Mining Vessel
EVS Construction Droid
Hover Transport TC9
FK-7 Airspeeder
SX-65 Groundhog
LIN-series Miner
Alpha Plus Charge
Recycling Plant
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I