Originally founded: Year 10 Day 167
Olarom Mando'ade!
You come from many backgrounds, but your past no longer matters. Who you were, where you went, and what you did are all inconsequential.
Cin Vhetin.
All that matters is what you will do, and what you will become now that you are Mando'ade. We live like our ancestors did before us, testing our prowess in battle against challenging foes and allying with none, but cuun aliite.
Cast off your chains and raise your head, proud, for the resol'nare is now your master and purpose. Say the words, "Ni cuyi Mando'ad," and join us on the path to darasuum kote!
We fear none, and welcome those looking to become Mandalorian; we will teach you our ways, train you to become the best and offer you the chance to become part of a close-knit community like no other.
Note: You do not have to be a part of the faction to join our community; we have Mandalorians from all corners of the galaxy, and will gladly get to know new faces.