In the heart of the enigmatic chaos, within the confines of Csilla, an inspiring story of resilience and restoration unfolds—the Chiss Ascendancy. Emerging from the shadows of oppression and corruption, this venerable institution embarks on a transformative journey to safeguard the Chiss people, rediscover their cultural heritage, and propel the Chiss civilization to new heights.
::: The Legacy of Liberation :::
The Chiss homeworlds prior to Year 8 had its location shrouded in mystery until it was unveiled to the wider galaxy by explorers from Lesser space. Since then, it suffered various forms of occupation by external forces. In the annals of Chiss history, Year 21 marked a pivotal moment—the triumphant liberation of Csilla from the New Republic's grasp and now that Csilla has been returned back to the Chiss people, the Ascendancy has embarked on an era of restoration and cultural discovery.
::: New Dawn of Partnership :::
The power of the Galactic Empire brought not only the fall of the New Republic and demise of its occupation, but also the revelation of corruption within the ruling Chiss Houses of the 6th Ascendancy. In response, a Chiss liberation movement emerged, toppling the corrupt leadership and reigniting hope within the Chiss community.
Chains of oppression shattered and the Galactic Empire granting the Chiss control over their cherished home worlds, the Chiss people have an unprecedented opportunity for their nation's restoration. With foreign oppressors defeated and corruption eradicated, the Chiss now govern their own ancestral lands once more. This new era of the Chiss is referred to as the 7th Ascendancy.
::: Guardians of Freedom :::
The relentless crucible of the galaxy remains a challenge and threat, testing the mettle of the Chiss to defend their homeworlds once more. In the face of unyielding adversaries, the Ascendancy remains resolute, steadfast in its mission to protect Csilla from those who seek to reassert control and strip the Chiss of their hard-fought freedom. Unwavering determination safeguards the Red Flame of liberty burning brightly over their beloved homeworld.
The reconstruction of Chiss Space is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Chiss people. With resolute determination, the Ascendancy has poured its efforts into revitalizing its territories, arming its military, and fostering unity among its people. As production lines churn out the instruments of defense, the Chiss ascend once more.
::: The Call of Citizenship :::
Each Chiss has the opportunity to become a citizen, provided they refrain from criminal activities against their own people. Citizens may choose to align with one of the esteemed Chiss Houses, engage in cultural affairs, or take a more direct role within the faction itself in the employ of the government serving in the Ministry of the Interior or within the Ascendancy Military. Every Chiss can play a role in shaping their civilization's future.
::: The Ascendancy Ethos :::
Joining the Ascendancy is embarking on a noble journey—one that involves rebuilding a once neglected future to fulfil the aspirations of an entire civilization. Community is not just a virtue; it is the bedrock upon which the Ascendancy ethos is built. Through this commitment, to each other, one not only contributes to the betterment of the Chiss but also nurtures their own growth and potential.
In the boundless cosmos, the Chiss Ascendancy stands as a symbol of resilience and hope. With firm dedication, they prove that even in the face of adversity, a people can rise, restore, and ascend to greatness once more. Join us on this remarkable journey, and together, we shall shape a future as bright as the stars themselves.