Whether its bandits, ships, buildings or vehicles, Phoenix Salvage has what it takes to turn wreckage into resources.
Phoenix Salvage is a Private Sector Affiliate (PSA) of the Rebel Alliance. Phoenix Salvage focuses on recycling, demolition, and waste management, while also being capable of running mining activites if desired. When buildings don't meet regulations or ships cost more to maintain than they are worth, customers turn to Phoenix Salvage to demolish them and extract any raw materials they can. Phoenix Salvage uses years of experience in destroying Imperial installations combined with advanced extraction and recycling techniques that are protected by many Rebel Alliance patents to salvage the most usable materials possible.
Phoenix Salvage is one of the most unique PSA's as it is run by an ownership cooperative between a group of equal investors. It employs thousands of free sentients to complete its tasks. Many employees sign up for Phoenix Salvage seeking a career destroying space bandits for salvage or as a first step towards a military career, but some choose one of Phoenix Salvage's other opportunities in construction, mining, and ship manufacturing. Phoenix Salvage is based in deep space, but always looking for opportunites to expand its business oportunities.