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Mandalore: ARCO

Type: Modular
Subfaction of: Mandalore
Founded On: Year 25 Day 130
Leader: Marcin Nevinyrral
Second In Command: Neres Warjan
Chat: Discord Invite


The Mandalore, one of the first human colony ships, was on its way to a recently charted system on the Rim when an on-board ship malfunction caused the ship to make the jump to hyperspace in the completely opposite direction of the path intended. The resulting crash landing left thousands of passengers stranded alone in an uncharted system that contained only one inhabitable planet. With no way to communicate their location back to those who might come to their aid, the colonists had to fight to survive. Over the many thousands of years of struggling to survive these strong people evolved into the culture now known as "Mandalorians", or Mando'ade in their native tongue of Mando'a.

Initially humans, the Mandalorians continued to develop in their isolation, eventually coming into contact with an alien race that had never before been encountered. This race, which re-taught them the wonders of technology that had long been forgotten is now, sadly, extinct - victims to one of the many great conflicts that have challenged the Mando'ade in their blood-soak history. Over several thousand years the Mandalorians developed their own research facilities, the most productive outcome being their famous armor. Only the learned suspected their human past. Other races in the universe guessed the Mando natives were yet just another example of parallel evolution.

The Warrior Eminence, or Mand`alor (which means "Sole Ruler" in Mando'a) rules over Mandalore, holding the respect and power over all Mandalorians. Each citizen takes an oath to serve and obey their glorious leader resulting in every adult being a member of the military. Even those in what others might normally consider civilian occupations hold an equivalent military rank. The Mand'alor, with his senior advisors, make up the Council which is responsible for the passing of all laws and the making of all large decisions which effect Mandalore. The Mandalore Council has been challenged only twice in one thousand years, a fact reflecting the great esteem held for them by the Mando'ade.

Complementing the authority of Mand'alor is a traditional Clan System. The power of the clans is small and chiefly cultural. In modern times, their governance is centralized in a Clan Council under the direction of the Mandalore Council who are respectful of their heritage. As many as 10,000 clans have rose and fell over the long tragic and noble history of Mandalore, all tracing their beginnings to five original clans established immediately after the crash. Due to the political turmoil of the Second Era and the ever-growing unity of Mandalore's people, what were once numerous beyond reason have ultimately coalesced into today's twelve clans.

Family is of primary importance to Mandalorians, marriages are conducted privately with the traditional exchange of vows being: "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."-which tranlates to "We are one when together, we are one when parted, we share all, we will raise warriors." The party that comes after the ceremony is often a public celebration with friends and comrades. Marital indescretions are generally forgiven in the case of long seperations, provided any resulting children are raised by the couple.
As an equal but alternate consideration to biological offspring, adoption is very popular amongst Mandalorians and is carried out even amongst adults with the following vow given from parent to child: "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad."-meaning "I know your name as my child." Mandalorians do not mark any difference between biological and adopted offspring.

Surprising many outsiders, Mando warrior culture does not recognize saluting during everyday miltary interaction. A simple nod of respect is all that is required when encountering a superior officer; the only exception being during designated formal events, when an official salute is preferred. Due to the fact that citizens of Mandalore who commit any kind of criminal action were traditionally put to death, the crime rate of the Mandalorian people is almost non-existent. Today punishments are less severe and the low crime rate is more a mark of respect towards their leaders and the trust they place in them.

Historically, Mandalore was isolated from the rest of the galaxy, at first physically and then later by an isolationistic tradition. At the end of a long age of conflict the Mandalorian population now includes numerous races from throughout known space and openly embraces immigrants from other cultures and species willing to adapt to Mandalore civilization. Today, the Mandalore Sector is proudly as cosmopolitan as any other major galactic societies capitol.



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Datacards Owned:
Facilities Stations
Golan Laser Battery
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Civic Centre
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
LNR II Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Training Academy
Shield Projector
Slave Market
SAM Launcher
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Computer Control Centre
Research Centre
Labour Camp
Crew Quarters
Commerce Centre
Wildlife Preserve
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Golan II
Asteroid Hideout
Merchant Space Dock
Trading I
Trading II
Relay Station
Zoo Station