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Son-tuul Pride: Black Nebula Corsairs

Type: Modular
Subfaction of: Son-tuul Pride
Founded On: Year 25 Day 140
Leader: Leland Thakkun
Chat: Discord Invite

Black Nebula Corsairs Logo

Black Nebula Corsairs

Lurking in the depths of space is a force that strikes out of nowhere and for no reason unbeknownst to their targets .. taking whatever they desire and leaving wreckage and chaos in the wake of their arrival.

Taking their name from a dark matter nebula in extra galactic space, the Black Nebula Corsairs strike fear in those they decide to place in their cross hairs.

Always striking with a vengeance and precision of a well oiled military machine, all while they appear to be a ragtag group of misfits .. but these 'misfits' are anything but what they appear to be. Striking out from various hidden bases throughout known and unknown space, the Black Nebula Corsairs always arrive on scene in overwhelming force spewing from the belly of their modified Colossal-class Heavy Carriers with all manner of heavy bombers and strike craft.

Independent traders and governments alike have no way to track their movements, which always leaves a period of time before defensive forces are able to respond to their arrival in enemy space .. even though they are normally gone before any appreciable force can be brought against them.

If you desire to keep your ship and cargo in one piece, it is suggested that you don't fight back when the Black Nebula Corsairs contact you out in space .. otherwise they'll leave you floating in space in a dead wreck wondering why you didn't head the warnings of others. Just give them what they ask for and you'll be better off for it in the long run.


Services Offered:

Privateer Contracts: If you desire to keep all of your appendages clean and away from any harm, be sure to contact us to handle your dirty work. All work in handled discreetly and professionally by all forces involved. All aspects of each contract are always handled on a 'need-to-know' basis.


Commerce Raiding: Are you looking to have trade disrupted for your competitor? Well we can handle that for you in a discreet manner where you will not be named in any situation. Let us handle the logistics of it all as we dispatch our Special Ops Division to circumvent any shield grid or defenses that may be in place, all while we repatriate assets from your competitors' storehouses and stockpiles.


Intelligence Gathering: Are you looking to plan an Op against an enemy and you don't wish to be blind-sided when you arrive on scene? Well then it sounds like you need a group to dispatch scouts to the area and conduct in-depth & secretive scans of the area in question, reporting all findings of ship movements in the system (planetary defenses and ground troop movement and compliment are included). We employ some of the best scouts in the known galaxy, and they come in all manner of non-descript ships so as to not draw any untoward attention to their activities .. most pose as regular starfaring mechants, but they are anything but what they appear to be.

1. Minimum time of any contract is 90 days, with the ability to be extended at 30-day intervals at both parties discretion and forces available;

    a. Privateer contracts have a minimum of a 12-month length due to the complexity of any operation, and therefore garner premium rates and services.

2. Minimum starting fee to be determined at the time of contract negotiations, and must be paid in full prior to any forces being dispatched or assigned to any contract;



Faction Planetary Control Datacards Manufacturing Subfaction Diplomacy Subfaction Subfaction Paramilitary Subfaction

Datacards Owned:
Facilities Stations
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Training Academy
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Golan Laser Battery
Computer Control Centre
Crew Quarters
Slave Market
Labour Camp
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Asteroid Hideout
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I