The Pentastar Alignment of Powers, best known simply as the Pentastar Alignment, Is a fringe movement that seperated from the Galactic Empire and became a Trade conglomerate in the Outer Rim, Primarily operating out of deep space as opposed to planetary bodies. It's founding principles are to promote equality and focus on neutrality over choosing a side in the Galactic Civil War.
Early Alignment members were unsatisifed with the way the Empire treated aliens as second class citizens, this soon formed the core of a seperation movement. The Alignment has since tried to focus on being neutral in the Galactic Civil War. The Alignment has declined offers from the Galactic Allaince to join as it's members have never been interested in fighting against the Empire.
The Alignment is administratively run very differently than the Empire it was born from. It focuses on developing areas of deep space in the outer rim for asteroid mining, production and trade. Led by the Grander Moff and the Council of Moffs, the Pentastar Alignment is shining as a bright star in the empty and desolate northeast.
Public Sales

The Pentastar Alignment is currently looking to hire individuals who are not interested in pollitcal gain and are motivated by free trade.
Members enjoy at cost production, free equipment and droids, A personal fleet of starships, lucrative commisions/bonuses and an active knowledgable community. Click Here to join our Public Embassy (Discord)

The Pentastar Alignment of Powers has a long a proud history spanning nearly a decade. For those who wish to read further click here.