The Confederacy of Independent Systems, known as the CIS, Separatist Movement, Separatst State or Separatist Alliance is a galaxy-wide union of systems and corporations that seceeded from the Galactic Republic due to what it perceived were excessive taxation policies and a political institution that had descended into corruption. As one senator famously said “There is no civility, only politics. The Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates. There is no interest in the common good.” This underlying belief led to the formation of the Separatist Movement and thus the CIS was born. Whilst the movement officially met defeat during the Clone Wars, pockets of systems continued to hold out in defiance of the Republic. Today, this reformed CIS stands as a bastion against the corruption and tyranny that remains rampant across the galaxy. Now based in the Tar Morden system, the CIS spans from the southern sectors through to the northern territories, building strong connections and promoting freedom and free enterprise under a government removed from the continued squabbling over the ashes of the now dead Galactic Republic.
Join the Confederacy of Independent Systems
The CIS offers many benefits to sentients who choose to join the Separatist cause. Universal healthcare including cybernetics, free equipment, competitive pay and much more. If you wish to speak to an official of the Confederacy to learn more, you can join our discord server HERE

Nationalised Corporations
The Confederacy has many nationalised corporations operating within its territories, in addition to subfactions and private contractors.
- Cybot Galactica
- Scrapper Guild
- Troika Medical Distributions
- Corporate Alliance
- Galactica Security Services
In addition to our nationalized corporations, we have protecorate states that recognize Confederacy authority across their territories.
History of the Confederacy
The CIS has a long history of several iterations, thanks to the ongoing persistance in the Separatist movement, the CIS has continued to go from strength to strength. For a detail understanding of the history of the Confederacy, you have find that HERE however there are some notable moments for the Confederacy:
- Year 9, Day 272 - Siejo Kutol takes ownership of the Corporate Alliance, declaring independence from the Trade Federation.
Year 11 Day 265 - The Corporate Alliance and its affiliates join the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Year 12 Day 338 - The Confederacy of Independent Systems has today declared its Sovereignty, becoming one of the newest Governments in the Galaxy. Many Corporate Alliance controlled planets shift control to the CIS to help maintain the safety of Alliance Space
Year 21, Day 161 (Galactic Concordiate) - The CIS joins the Galactic Concordiate, a large, neutral multi-government alliance. This membership would not be everlasting however as inactivity and decay set in, the Confederacy would eventually leave in Year 24.
- Year 22, Day 98 - Cybot Galactica merges with the CIS. Cybot's Dex Sehrin is appointed Head of State of the Confederacy. This becomes the biggest achievement for the CIS as Cybot is a large industrial manufacturer, thereby allowing rapid growth within the Confederacy.
- Year 23, Day 80 (Endor Pact) - The Confederacy is admitted into the Endor Pact, a regional alliance made up of the Trade Federation, Kolkpravis, Elysia, the Krath, the Matukai Dragons and the CIS.