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Tresario Star Kingdom: House Zhug

Type: Modular
Subfaction of: Tresario Star Kingdom
Founded On: Year 25 Day 179
Leader: Sydney von Ismay
Chat: Discord Invite


In a galaxy replete with differing philosophies, alliances, and political perspectives, how do I choose where to place my loyalty? How do I measure the quality of one faction in comparison to another? How do I decide where I truly belong? These are the questions that have, at one time or another, echoed in the minds of each of us. Allow us to explain what the glorious Tresario Star Kingdom brings to the table in answer to these queries.

Freedom: TSK believes above all else that every sentient throughout the galaxy has the rights to freedom, safety, and the opportunity to succeed. This galaxy is filled with organizations that seek to prey on the weak; slavers, pirates, and mercenaries; as well as rebel governments unwittingly spreading chaos and instability behind a faux veil of peace and cooperation.  We in TSK stand for something much nobler; the government protected right of every sentient to have the freedom to choose his or her own way.

Training: TSK believes that every loyal subject should have the opportunity to learn from the very best instructors available. This is why our University is now proven to be second to none in the galaxy. Anyone, from the newest of travelers to the most seasoned professionals, can enter the University for training in any skill required. Each member receives courses in a broad array of subjects and skills so that each is equipped to handle the kingdoms work. Our instructors are active, helpful, informative, and tutor their pupils with an air of brotherhood and respect.

Opportunity: TSK believes that loyal subjects should be provided the opportunity to grow through the ranks, as their service stipulates. We regularly evaluate our members for their active service, efficiency, leadership potential, and ingenuity, and have an extensive rank scale on which to climb. Quality service leads to increased responsibility. Quality leadership leads to increased respect. Our Ministries of State, Economic Development and Military Operations, as well as our three crown corporations Tresario Mining Authority, Tresario Salvage Yards and Cerberus Corporation, also offer a variety of directions in which to specialize ones personal skills.

Remuneration: TSK believes that members should be provided only the very best in ships, weaponry, armor, and compensation. As a governmental kingdom, we have the resources necessary to offer members the use of state-of-the-art technology, as well as a pay scale that is second-to-none in the galaxy. We expect the best of our people, and therefore provide them with nothing but the best in return.

The Tresario Star Kingdom is awaiting the call of worthy travelers. The University of Tresario is poised ready to guide you in the ways of the galaxy. Now, you must decide whether TSK meets your needs and desires, and whether you would be able and willing to live up to the expectations of your superiors. Only the best are chosen, but the truly exceptional can rise to most any heights. Do you have what it takes? I suggest we find out.

Please visit us at http://swc-tnn.com for more information on the Tresario Star Kingdom.


Faction Government Planetary Control Mining Datacards Manufacturing Information Trading Diplomacy Subfaction Paramilitary

Datacards Owned:
Facilities Stations
Golan Laser Battery
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Civic Centre
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
LNR II Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Training Academy
Shield Projector
Slave Market
SAM Launcher
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Computer Control Centre
Research Centre
Labour Camp
Recycling Plant
Wildlife Preserve
Commerce Centre
Crew Quarters
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Golan II
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Relay Station
Zoo Station
Trading II
Asteroid Hideout